Friday, August 3, 2007

late entry

My apologies poop fans,
I have been lax in my duties. For good reason though. The past few nights I have had trouble sleeping. Partly because of my girlfriend hogging the bed, partly because of the heat, and lastly because my body is like what the fuck is going on. So for the past two days I have slept a total of six hours. So this morning around 3 am I was up with nothing to do. I suppose I could have written something then, but I was not feeling it. Anyway, after a movie and some peppermint tea, I drank my saltwater. Then peed from my asshole for an hour. The bowl closely resembling a Jackson Pollock. (by now the gloves are off) And at about 8am I crashed out, waking around 2:30pm. Some much needed catch up. Throughout this adventure I have been forced out of bed at odd, and often early hours. So I am used to it. Last night though, odd cravings and thoughts were a popping. I cannot get this image of a baked ziti slice out of my mind. I have turned to just focusing on work. I figure since I need to get my mind off the random cravings and such. This is day four and I suspect once I hit the half way point, the second half will be downhill. Here is to hope. I have been answering messages for the last hour or so. The diet is not so tough. There are moments when dizziness and disarray threaten to set in. They are easily thwarted by a glass or two of the special lemonade. The saltwater thing is no fun. When accepted as important part of the cleansing process however, it makes sense. You have to push out all the toxic stuff out somehow. Speaking of the lemonade. The recipe is pretty basic.

2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons grade B maple syrup (real, not maple flavored corn syrup)
1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper
10 oz spring water

The idea is that you get all the nutrients you need from both the lemon juice and the maple syrup. Both are extremely vitamin rich, quite a bit of minerality in the syrup too, it does come from the ground essentially. The cayenne pepper acts both as a hemiostat and in breaking up of mucus, lowers blood pressure as well. There you have it. The magic elixir. You receive the carbs you need from the sugars in the maple syrup, and the acid in the lemons turn to alkaline in the body so there is no worry of acid reflux or other adverse effects.

Now I am feeling refreshed. I have a renewed vigor for this endeavor. Day four is winding down andI am looking forward to tomorrow.

6:30pm (est)


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