Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hello again

It is almost eight now. I am over writing this thing. I guess I am just bored. Day three is winding down. It was not so tough. The morning was a little rough, but otherwise no different. I wonder where it goes from here. I am feeling largely indifferent. There are moments when I want to eat and moments when I do not. I remind myself of the cleansing benefits and I am alright. As I was walking down the street just now there was a pregnant puerto rican girl shouting to her family on the stoop, every other phrase was "white bitch." Then quick to look at me as I passed , hoping to illicit a response. I suppose the natives grow restless and tire of the constant gentrification that has swallowed the boroughs. I suppose that just like any swarm of immigrants, this swarm (made up of displaced, mostly white, middle class wannabe hipsters) must deal with its share of backlash. As I passed the thought of my sweet girlfriend having to deal with this kind of ugliness made my stomach turn, or perhaps that was just the cleanse diet. Two things come to mind, one - avoid loud ignorant people, two - never let that type of person pull you into their world, it is most likely a shitty one. Plus, if I was "The Man" that everyone refers to that is keeping them down, would I live in this neighborhood with the roaches and the cat pee smell?


7:57 pm


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