Wednesday, August 8, 2007

day nine?


Day nine already!?! I can hardly believe it. I have on almost every post talked about how this was no big deal and such. I think putting any habit on pause takes a certain degree of mental readiness and preparation.
The more vital the habit the more difficult. As with anything else, realistic expectations will only serve to assist in the successful execution of ones goals. This should be done if one wishes to cleanse and reset your body. Give your organs a chance to catch up with the constant stream of cigarettes, beer, and chicken wings. They will thank you in the long run. The mornings of the past few days have produced more and more. I have not eaten any solid food in nine days and I still have plenty o' poop. Well on to the next day. I have been toying with the idea of staying on the diet past ten days, I also grow weary of lemonade and wish to begin eating again. So I am on the fence. Time will tell.

2:13 pm


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