Tuesday, August 14, 2007

day fifteen


So here I am, still standing. I have been drinking OJ now, fresh orange juice to be exact. I must have had seven 10 oz glasses yesterday. For my next feat, I will eat...vegetables! Yes sir, I will begin to eat solid food again today. I might have also had a fresh mixed vegetable juice from liquiteria yesterday as well. I figured that juice is juice right? Well my body started in with the stomach noises by the time I got home from the city. No saltwater today! What a relief. Also my tongue is mostly pink, meaning I should have stayed on this thing longer. I might just do it again in three or four months though, so no worries. I look foward to the day when I can have a baked ziti slice. Also my body has had zero in the way of carbs and protein the last two weeks. There was sugars in the maple syrup but certainly not enough to be considered extra. So it is calling out for some bread beans or some kind of starch. Well it is poker night again, wish me luck.

11:58 am


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