Monday, December 31, 2007

new year

hey there blog fans...

here we are. a new year.

tonight i braved the amateur night that is NYE NYC.
i waded through the s*** show virtually unscathed.
i did see quite a bit of shouting, stumbling, and that bibulous adult waddle.
but i returned home unmolested. great success.
i ventured out however to surprise my girlfriend with sweet smelling hyacinths
while she toiled behind bar, serving up the bacchanalia.
she was unaware, thinking me to be in brooklyn.
so the very first thing i did this year, was kiss my girlfriend.
the second, was write this poem, entitled...

new years eve

the dresses stiff shimmer
sway tremulous like fresh cellophane
draped above knees
that have just come out to play
mid-way through their winter cloister
that stocking-ed hermitage
one nights winter air they see
then covered again until spring


and the third thing for the new year?


01.01.08 Tue 2:45 AM

Saturday, December 29, 2007

is it safe to come out yet?

hello there blogfans...

So does anyone else not feel like coming out of their house?
After the cavalcade of holiday consumers and the orgiastic spending frenzy, this governments wet dream, the time of year whose net tax dollars approve bloated defense budgets in one deft swipe of the debit card. Anyone else have trepidation? Like it is not yet over?
as if there is some detoured crowd rounding the next corner in search of macy's, waiting to sweep you up in their stampede.
So here I am...clacking away on my Macintosh, watching dusky detective movies, and playing nintendo. Feeding the inner ten year old. Not leaving the flat save for some supplies...more movies, mangoes, and chocolate soy milk. Yum.
Oh I had almost forgotten, New Years. Not nearly as much money is spent, but what better way to ring in the new year than to wake up January first with a hangover the size of Rhode Island and black furry spots where your memories should have been.

Good luck with that.
