Tuesday, March 18, 2008

days 17 & 18 --- march 17 & 18

Hello again,

So, for the four people still interested enough to be reading this. Here we go. I continue to have wonderful eliminations every morning. Its fun. So between the running to bathroom sporadically, I am totally used to the hunger and pseudo exhaustion. I have enough energy to spare, so that department is no problem. I have a slight headache constantly. Which is not pleasant, but manageable. I realize that this is not for everyone. For the people on the fence I offer these words. DO this cleanse. Ha, no but seriously folks....Of course I would use this arena to post my gripes and indifference. It is my outlet of course, a release from the abstinence. So you might not have heard all the wonderful things. In this modern age, toxic behavior has become routine. I am constantly working for a way of living that is simple in design. One that feels more natural. Simplified, the way originally intended. Not inundated with all this crap. I mean how many things can you fit in your head? your body? your apartment? It seems that constantly we as a people are barraged with ploys to coax us into a dependency on goods and services, material things that civilization went on fine without. This whole twenty days thing I am doing is not only about the cleansing. It is that. Also more. I wish to shun all modern adaptations of food in the hope that I come out a less dependent individual on the other end. Last time I had done this cleanse I went from vegetarian to vegan. I wonder what I will become this time? Maybe a balloon? Maybe a dinosaur? Who rightly knows, but I will say this...I will have evolved yet again.

Thats all for today, tune in tomorrow when I post my 'Master Cleanse Survival Guide'

see ya around!



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