Tuesday, March 4, 2008

day four

Hello Aether,

So day four has come, and is almost gone. I am off to see a rock show at webster hall tonight. The Walkmen are playing. I am excited.
This day was a trial in patience. It almost seemed false. Like some bizarro world flip flop. I had crazed clients, pyscho in-laws and all with no energy to fend them off. Which was actually a blessing in disguise. My usual fiery Sicilian temper was made placid. I sincerely had not the energy to get all pissed off. Someday perhaps I will sneak up and punch the offending parties in the face--watch your back. Until then I will just apologize and make nice.
I had skipped again the saltwater this morning. See yesterdays post about shitting ones pants. I was feeling guilty about it, thinking I am not doing this correctly and for all it is worth. Then while reading through the book again I noticed that the saltwater is only meant as an aid, although it speeds and aids in cleansing, not necessary daily. Sure enough I had no problems, think crunchy Chee-tos , only brown--and made of poo.
So with frequent trips to the bathroom, and much spicy lemonade guzzling, day four is all but at a close. A special nod to those difficult and irrational people out there, may you overcome your glaring deficiencies.
Stay tuned for more detailed anecdotal accounts of shitting!!!!!!


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