Saturday, March 1, 2008

Cleanse Again!

That is right blog fans!
I mean, no one reads this blog. So it is safe for me to just rant on about any nonsense that enters my brain. However, I am extremely bad at keeping it up. When was the last post? January. For shame. Who has time for this? Seriously. Between the work, eating, sleeping, and the studio I pay for but do not go to. I have very little time to sit in front of my computer and complain. Or express observations that no one else really cares about. When I add the gym membership to assuage my health related guilt, I shall really have not a minute for this mental masturbation.
Until then however, I will be CLEANSING AGAIN! You heard me. Your foremost authority on poop evacuation, is at it again. I have begun this instant. It is 5:19 pm, March 1st, 2008. I 'fork' --as i am affectionately known to my friends, will begin a twenty day fast/cleanse. For the purpose of expelling any toxic material otherwise trapped in my body.
For the uninitiated, this is the second time I will have cleansed. The cleanse consists of not eating any solid food. At all. For the specified period. Last time I had done this I managed to go fifteen days with only my special tonic and my will power to nourish me. No food. This time ladies and gentlemen, TWENTY is the number. Now the routine I will follow will be the same as last time. Thirty-two ounces of saltwater in the morning--This works as a flush. The lemonade--made of fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and organic grade B maple syrup. A laxative tea at night before bed--senna leaf.
So, from now, until March 20th @ 5:19pm--Thursday, I shall not consume any solid food.
Please feel free to go to the begining of this blog to read the hilarity that ensued when I first cleansed. That should catch you up on the how and why.
Otherwise know that this time, I will be working full time, 9-5. Where as last time I was freelancing--also known as sitting on my ass at home. So dealing with rush hour train traffic at both 8:30am and 5pm should prove to be a treat. So this could be interesting.
Wish me luck. I am off to make some lemonade.


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