Saturday, March 8, 2008

day seven - march seven

Hey All,

So the seventh day cam and went. I was the most difficult mentally thus far. My body was having all kinds of cravings, and leaning on me hard to deliver. I made it through alright I guess. It was another freak out party for my client. It is almost if the universe tries to test my mettle by throwing high maintenance cry babies my way to stress me out. Well I should not blame the universe. Whoever was at work though, was certainly testing my limits. I believe I passed those tests with colors blazing.
All the poop is happening. Though not as often as last time, or so it seems. My stomach rumbles like an upstart thunder storm. I am forced to rationalize it back down. I grow weary of the diet and think about how much longer I said I would keep it up. By the end of the day I have steeled my resolve once more and look forward to eating again.
Again for the un-initiated, I am on 'The Master Cleanse'. This diet consists of no solid food whatsoever. It includes 32oz. of saltwater first thing in the morning. Lemonade made of fresh lemon juice, organic grade B maple syrup, water, and a dash of cayenne pepper--throughout the day. Senna leaf laxative tea before bed. The occasional cup of mint tea as a treat, and enough will power to see it through to completion. I have chosen to fast/cleanse for 20 days, this is for the purpose of cleansing the internal organs.
This diet helps the body to cleanse the colon, liver, kidneys, and digestive tract. It can also reduce the effects of numerous maladies. It does so naturally, without the introduction of man made medicines. The idea being that if the body is not constantly having to process and digest solid foods, it can work to cleanse itself, which is its default action. The food we eat today is largely toxic. Full of artificial ingredients, preservatives, chemical colors, scents and flavors. These toxic materials never make it out of your body completely, bits and pieces of these things linger, causing a kind of silt. This silt starts to accumulate and slows down and blocks organ function causing many problems. This diet supplies the body with all necessary nutrition while freeing it to get down to ridding itself of any and all toxins.
People almost always come up with reasons not to do something positive. "I could never do that" or "Where I am I going to get my Protein?" are some of the most common responses. The body needs much less protein than one is conditioned to believe. Think of this, you know that burger you are eating came from a cow, right? Where do you think that cow got all its protein? From grass. Thats right, cows do not eat steak. So take your protein comment back to the lab and analyze them you will find they are made not of sense but of fear.

be well,


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