Monday, March 3, 2008

day three

Hello all,

Day three here. I am pleased to inform you the day went quickly and quietly. The sun came out. The lemons were perfect.
I skipped my saltwater today. I had never had to wake up so early in conjunction with the cleanse. I did not roll the dice. My brain told me a secret, my dreams revealed the embarrassment of one shitting ones pants on a morning train into Manhattan, I went sans saltwater. Now, I did drink the laxative tea late last night before bed. My thoughts were that I could wake early enough to pass all the saltwater before my journey to work. Six in the morning however, eluded me quite deftly. So, since all things balance. I will drink the saltwater before bed or in the early evening.
Now that dilemma has been solved.
Today was much smoother than yesterday. My bratty cravings for food subsided a bit. My sense of smell increased. I am already melting off pounds--I can feel it. I do feel quite tired. Not unbearably, but significantly none the less. My mind and body are starting to creep into calorie conservation mode. With a kind of senior citizen response time. Although I did manage to best a few of my pre-cleanse records on 'Brain-Age 2' for the Nintendo DS.
It has come to my attention that no fewer than two people read this blog. How exciting indeed! I know that of those two, at least one of them fancies himself a writer. The other a staunch critic.
Also blog fans, it has come to my attention that one of the aforementioned has mentioned intent to blackmail your garrulous narrator, with this very text! An abhorrent ruse!
Well this is no time to grandstand, so I shall stick to what has made this such an inflammatory writ. Poop.
Skipping the saltwater made everything semi-normal. The laxative tea had me all bubble-guts in the morning. After a couple repugnant little diddies however, the shit-storm has subsided.
It really does work as the brush so to speak, a water brush if you will.
Now I am working my way quite quickly through my eighth and ninth glasses of lemonade. Perhaps I shall skip the saltwater altogether for today and pick up in the morning. For what is the point of flushing on a full stomach?

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